Monday manacles

Feeling a bit groggy first thing. Had a dream, the second in three days, about Sophie. I really must call her.

Lorraine set off for Ashford, and I slipped on my desk manacles, and got my act together enough to interview the poet Rory Waterman, who I liked and was very chatty. I used my laptop which seemed to eliminate the problems with time lag during the recording process, I'd been dreading another difficult conversation. But all was well. Until, that was, when I came to download the recordings from the podcast from the podcast software, only to discover that my guest had not been fully recorded. Luckily I found a backup cloud recording which had the full conversation. Took me ages to sort it all out, and the cloud recording had some glitches. Editing most of the day and in the evening, but still with hours to go tomorrow.  

I broke off for a walk in the afternoon, just to loosen the desk manacles. And spoke to Mum briefly. Lorraine back from Ashford after nine. To bed, and reading a few more pages of Prince Caspian, the latest children's book for sending people off to sleep. 

Below poppies. There are loads of them growing in the streets round here.
