
Mumsday Monday. Up to London today, a fairly easy train ride, and a leg stretcher from Mill Hill Broadway. Lorraine across to Ashford.

Mum still oppressed by a pile of paperwork on her table. Most things are dealt with. I managed to get onto Mason's computer, and sort out one or two bits, and make a phone call to stop certain letters coming. And took down some curtains, and move a rug and so on with Mum. Then we repaired to The Waggon and Horses, for a bite to eat and a drink. Steve and Paul there again, and chatting to us a bit. Otherwise empty on a Monday. Home again, and we spent some time looking at photos again, of which there are many. 

I liked this one, which I had not remembered, of me and Toby, in I think Hampstead Heath. The Tobster was held back by terrible tonsils as a kid, but as soon as he had them out he started growing fast. This is probably not long before or after then.

Home by half nine this evening, not long after, Lorraine came back from Ashford, having talked lots to Pat and Maureen about their move.
