Medical muffins

Day one of the Zoe thing today, and in many ways the most important. Ate three moderately unpleasant muffins for breakfast, and two muffins for lunch and then did a blood test two hours after the lunchtime muffins. Lorraine pricked my finger and I had to droplets of blood onto a testing card. Blood everywhere, and Lorraine shouting at me for being histrionic. Soon the job was complete and the blood had to dry off a bit before being sent off in its box. Also took a poo sample and sent this off to the poo doctors. All this will give me an idea of how I process blood fat and blood sugar. 

As a hypochondriac I need another opportunity for hyper-vigilance like I need a hole in the head. Luckily my blood sugar peaks and troughs seem to stay within the acceptable zone. 

When not doing this, I had a good morning's writing. And in the afternoon, we harvested four courgettes and did gardening things.

Had an enjoyable long chat with Toby this evening. Luckily he was away in Argentina when the worst of the forest fires and horrible heat was going on. Now it is rainy he says. Enormous steaks and great wine at a snip in Buenos Aires apparently.
