Another day in gorgeous Fife

 To nearby Crail, to look at some rather good local pottery, with a courtyard full of pots, and a shop indoors too. We came away with two dishes. There is a combination of colours that I am beginning to think of as very characteristic of. Some of which I have seen in the tartan shop Lorraine and I took Sam to in Stirling some time ago: these are gold, amber and pale green, and deep blue and purple. Some of this palette reflected in the work there. 

Then down to Crail harbour, where I mooched about taking some snaps. Got talking to a wee boy and his family fishing for crabs at the end of the pier. He proudly showed me one of them, which was a photo I liked lots. Mooched about in Crail for a bit, before we drove off to Cambo Gardens. Had a lovely walk down a wooded valley with a stream running to the sea threading through some golfers at one point just at the end before the beach. Jade and Sam found a big body of a marine creature washed up on shore, which we did not look at, but it was longer than Sam. We did not look at it as it was smelling somewhat apparently. Probably a huge dead halibut, one of Jade's friends said when she sent an image.

Back up alongside the stream, looking at ferns and so on. A late lunch there. I had a vegan haggis roll and an amazing salad. All very tasty. Like a haggis but without the greasiness.

Before we ate, Sam went over on his ankle, which was very painful for him. Lorraine got him some ice and put it on his ankle to stop the swelling and he was a bit hobbly for a bit.

Home, and people powered down for a bit, but I had the urge to go out for another walk with my camera. Mog advised me on a circular route to take, and I found myself in the sunshine on a path between two golden fields leading down to the dark blue sea, fringed with purple thistles, which colour wise was beautiful. Walked along by the sea, heading back towards Cellardyke, past a bit where there is a seawater swimming pool on the edge of the sea, refreshed twice a day by the tide. Hardy Fife ladies heading into it. Jade had told us there was a facebook group of swimmers nearby called the Menopausal Mermaids, which made me smile. 

Took some photos in the lovely light and then called Lorraine. Everyone still lying low, so I sensibly repaired to the Haven pub, and sat in the garden. Sunlight pouring through roses, and a view to the sea over the top of a red postbox. I wandered home again, and people gradually stirring. We had a light dinner and then Jade drove us back to Elie, where we watched the sunset, and went to the pub there for a second game of Euchre, in which Jade and I were inexplicably beaten again.
