New and Improved

Lorraine starting an experiment when she doesn't work on Sundays like she has been. This made the weekend feel new and improved and more weekendish even on a Saturday morning. We set off for a drive to meet Lorraine's intrepid pal Carolyn for coffee. She is off again to Nicaragua again this week, where she has set up projects to help local people and is now pretty fluent in Spanish too.  Bureaucracy infuriating there however. She tried to ship over a box of essentials for a local school but the box has languished in customs for over half a year on a variety of bogus reasons, infuriating that its contents is simply to help Nicaraguan children.

I fell asleep this afternoon, and slept heavily for an hour, and felt a good deal livelier for it afterwards, for this pesky cold never seems quite to leave you.

Lorraine and I walked down the hill into town, and picked up the book, Buddhism for Busy People, she had ordered from Waterstones. Then we mooched off to Beth and John's house, where they had been cooking spicy chicken wings and flatbreads. We played euchre with them, and then Uno afterwards. Beth has begun a new craze for jigsaws.

Home on the bus, and Lorraine straight to bed. I watched a smidge of Match of the Day, because Chelsea had won. But this soon paled and I followed Lorraine to bed.
