Look no wires!

Sitting happily for the first time in my new study typing on my new computer. All thanks to a wireless hub. Fantastic. I still can’t quite believe how simple it is.

I’d rescued my wireless hub from languishing on a shelf in the post room at work. My name was written in slightly smaller writing, which had foxed even their keenest minds for some days.

Much easier day today, thank God but had a successful enthusiasm bypass. Had two brainstorms today. One about how to influence trend setter beer drinkers to drink the brand we are pitching for. After two hours of this conversation I wanted to scream, which may not be a good sign.

On a nicer note I confirmed my Christmas holiday and began to glance through the Lonely Planet guide to Japan that I bought yesterday at Victoria Station.

My CD player has stopped working. I always get amazed at how equipment can spontaneously break despite being untouched by human hand. It is, however, a miracle that my CD player worked for so long, seeing as how I lurched into the tray a few years ago and the French Bloke, who happened to be drinking wine with me at the time managed to take the whole thing apart and fix it for me using, I seem to remember, only a penknife.

Spoke to Bob today and he has scored tickets to see the Velázquez exhibition tomorrow. Looking forward to that very much. Below another thing my mum made and painted. A bag with cats.
