Work... Slugged in late due to abject inability to catch the train on time.

Reuben sent me a link for his new site with photos of his son Serge, which is excellent. A Bag of Helicopters.

Work fine, and left with the French Bloke and Max for their excellent new home in Ealing. Went off shopping with the FB for food and wine. Returned and First Matie had appeared and we had a splendid night centred about the FB cooking prawns and beef in a Chinese-style frenzy. The best thing was the broccoli which he cooked with ginger and lime juice and was the nicest broccoli I have ever tasted. Also Kate was seen eating exotic stringy japanese mushrooms without gagging.

The four of us sat about in the kitchen drinking wine while Michel cut up the food. Max absolutlely radiantly cheerful about being pregnant, and still managing to forget herself and spring vertically into the air from time to time.

After much feeding the FB showed Kate and me the photos he and Max had taken in Croatia. And it looked extremely cool. Loads of chat of course and at one point the FB and me becoming sorrowful at the demise of the Library of Alexandria.

To bed, and the chance to phone my lovely MJ who I am missing horribly, and who is engaged in the arduous and emotional business of clearing out her things from her home. One of the worst things about this long distance business is not being able to help in a crisis.
