Last full day in the US. Met MJ's pal Kadabra today, who I liked a lot. Very interesting, sunny and friendly. Then Lia who is also very nice, and I'd met once before came by with her twin daughters. Lots of talk about New Orleans and the horrors of the week over a glass of wine.

Eventually the children decided to play chirades, which was generally hilarious. One of the twins lay face down on the floor and explained after a while that she was a speed bump. Inevitably Jack and Kate's were Gothic. Kate was first the grim reaper, then later a dead cheerleader. Jack was his dead grandmother, and then gave a most inspired rendition of Isadora Duncan at her moment of death.

In the evening we dropped Jack and Kate off with MJ's brother Michael. Then MJ and me stole some time alone, trying not to feel sad about tomorrow's separation.
