To the Walt Whitman Mall. I'm sure the boy Walt, who comes from these parts, would have been proud.

There we sang the body electric and bought sneakers for Kate. I enjoyed the shop called Athlete's Foot for thoughts of itchy fungal conditions always make me want to spend money. But mainly we looked at a plethora of rings until MJ spied one made of CZ to act as a temporary replacement. Also ate in a restaurant there too, which was fun. Later we stopped at a 99 cents store where Jack and Kate bought presents for their mother. True to form Kate made a beeline for the dolphins, she also chose a scarf. Jack bought a cut glass bird to reflect the light and a statue of a horse, in the style of the dragon he bought her last year.

Jack was coveting a long grabby device with pincers. I made the mistake of buying this only to watch him tormenting Kate with it for an hour until it was confiscated.

Then to the Stop and Shop supermarket where I bought flowers for MJ, and the nice woman behind the flower counter gave Kate a rose. A woman from the bar yesterday said hello to me in the supermarket, which made MJ look momentarily dangerous. I liked this.

Home and in the evening we played scrabble again, with MJ managing a win, and spoke to that nice Johanna. Used my camera phone to film clips of everyone which Jack and Kate enjoyed.

My story now to be seen at Quantum Muse, but they have not put in the italics so it reads a little strangely.
