To Sutton Coldfield in Birmingham and some more market research. Today not nearly as obnoxious as yesterday. And found myself liking my client (there was only the woman today) if only for her NY accent which reminded me of certain acquaintances.

Started drawing people through the two way mirror. You can stare without them feeling self-conscious. One youngish bloke wore a red "no fear" teeshirt and it emerged during the research interview that he has heart surgery tomorrow. Suddenly the shirt seemed poignant.

Journey back to London with my client who insisted on writing a report about the research with me on the train. Finally free at Euston, and travelled back to Brighton arriving at 9:30ish, whereupon I bought yet another Chinese takeaway and fizzy mineral water.

Spoke to MJ who was cheery on several accounts. I had, quite unprompted, sent her flowers and chocolates. Meanwhile Kate has today eaten asparagus and salmon which is a truly amazing event.
