Strange night, having been woken by seagulls, who are incredibly noisy and mad at this time of year. Nor do they sleep.

Ten minutes of ransacking house and failing to find vital information for MJ, then and had to leg it off to the train. Nothing to read, battery ran out on my iPod shuffle, but instead enjoyed a wave of optimism about life, and me looking forward to MJ, Jack and Kate being here, and thinking what a good thing this will be for all of us.

Racing into Glamoursmith, then off to Soho with Sam the director and Sandra the head of TV to record the voice over and sort the sound out on the ad. Cool to be in Soho and out of Glamoursmith for a bit. The actor was called Cal and a pleasant enough guy who did a good job for us. Now that the ad is coming together I am really quite proud of the job we have done, especially impressed with Sam's work. Ate pizza in the studio and was called by MJ while we broke for a bite.

Then back to the agency for more slogging. Then...Hurrah! Found the vital piece of information I was missing by the photocopier at work. Finally able to send the stuff off to MJ.

More slogging, then Pat and me ended up alone in the works bar having a couple of drinks and talking about how fantastic it would be to have a time machine.

Home at about 10:30 eating Chinese food and caught up with MJ who was exausted after a day at work with Ryan one of the children she looks after who was being extremely difficult.

She is also getting ready to sell some of her belongings tomorrow.

Bed... an entirely magnetic notion.
