Saturday morning... Running about getting myself organised today for the immanent visit of MJ and the bairns.

Thursday and Friday passed in a blur. Met a well and cheery looking Bob (aka Mad dog) on Thursday night in the West End. Quick speech from Bob about how beer didn't agree with him due to chemicals used to clean the pipes, and how he hadn't had a drink since June 10th. Then he fell on his beers like the armies of Mordor. Went on to scarf some Chinese food in Soho.

Arrived home very late, having been woken in the train by a nice man at Brighton station who, when I told him he was a very nice man, hurried quickly away. Ended up talking to Weezer and MJ till about three. Friday therefore a bit of an endurance test, with me feeling somewhat queasy on the morning train. Spent a happy hour, however, listening to actor's voices creating a shortlist for the voiceover of the hospital advert. When you sit there listening to a hundred or so samples they all begin to blur one into the other. But we have selected two that would be just about perfect. Thinking of selecting a Scottish voice which, for an English audience, doesn't instantly locate the speaker in a particular socio-economic group.

New revelation for commuting too... Got an iPod shuffle, which is a mini iPod and can carry about 120 tunes at a time and was £69 and is brilliant. A real boon when you are travelling up to 4 hours a day. Haven't had a walkman for a few years now and it is so nice to have music again in the state of being inbetween places where I currently spend so much of my life.
