Odd sort of day. Felt like a character from a US sitcom being kissed goodbye and called "honey" by MJ as I set off for work. Very nice to be made coffee first thing and have her lovely company.

Odd too travelling in London this morning. I am not given much to patriotism, but I felt very proud of London this morning. The fact that people were just getting on with it, after being badly scared last week by the bombing. I thought there were marginally fewer people on the tube this morning, and people were altogether less rat-racy and elbowy than usual.

Work a bit of a blur. Feel quite tired and my attention was elsewhere. MJ took the children to see a school this morning, for example. Will have to work really hard for the rest of the week.

Home and after we ate the pasta that MJ had cooked, Jack and Kate had prepared a mini party with drinks and food in their room. We played cards and then MJ, Jack and me took it in turns to read The Twits to each other which was great fun.
