Ant lines

Felt a bit better able to concentrate today, as there is a concrete plan for the future. A meeting with Keith first thing. Then off with and Lorraine down to the Cynch storage place at the bottom of the hill to meet a man with a van. We ant-lined back and forth from our unit and did the same back into our front room. Having been to the gym more lately, I felt noticably stronger in my upper body compared to last time I was hefting this stuff. If our plan stays on track, we will clear the house into storage in three weeks, and be based in Ashford for a month, giving me plenty of time to torment  Maureen, my favourite mother in law.

In the afternoon, I went to the gym.

Lorraine went to her personal trainer in Bolney and then had a cup of tea with Sarah. She also told Michael the estate agent in Seaford what we had agreed with Angie and Richard of Seaford sellers. Michael makes our Brighton estate agents look thoroughly average.  
