No accounting for it

All about the money today. In the morning spent several hours getting to grips with my accounts and entering things gingerly into excel spreadsheets. In the afternoon spent some hours on emails and phone calls managed I think to secure payment of the money owed me. In desperation I resorted to calling my pal Al, who went across and scowled at the relevant parties, which seems to have worked. Bless her.

Other than this a busy lunchtime zooming on various missions. Also made time to go to the gym for Hulk legs session, didn't quite have the same sensation of wearing a fatsuit like I did even last Friday. Still some way to go yet.

Lorraine around this evening as Beth was using her house to throw a dinner party with Mark. She was mad keen to go to the Batty so we sat outside in the back garden for a slow pint. Feeling quite pleased with myself for dealing with not lovely things.

Watched the Mercury Prize this evening, which is a chin stroking music award for the best album of the year. Won by a almost unknown lady called Speech Debelle. I had downloaded one of her tracks a couple of months ago, which I quite like in a hip hop meets acid jazz retro way. There was also a group in the shortlist called The Invisible, however, who seem to be rather good. Television can be so educational sometimes.
