
Off to London to start a two day spell of freelancing in my old agency for two day. For some reason I sprang from bed feeling very dubious very early in the morning. And so by time I arrived in the agency I was already tired.

Boomeranging back, makes you feel like a Shakespearean ghost, with people double-taking at you from time to time. Aren't you dead? But all was well, and the day was spent locked away with The Gnome working on concepts for the needles/eyes work for the client I'd pitched to in Switzerland. Pleased to see The Gnome again, and we did some good work, and ate chocolate biscuits and drank numerous teas.

Then elbowing my way home. I was pleased to get this work, but it makes me wonder how I was able to do it every working day for getting on for 3 years.

A couch potato in the evening, every show seemed to be about food Heston Blumenthal, Gordon Ramsay, are amazing (and completely different) characters. Bluementhal has been written about as a Willy Wonka-ish personality and his approach to food is scientific and deconstructive. While Ramsay is pugnacious and honest. Then as a counterbalance, a documentary about a guy in Runcorn who was 48 stone, and how he slimmed right down over the years - and confronted the reasons to do with a monstrous father why he had gone off the rails.

Then early to bed.
