Finally back to my blog. Dragged myself off to work late today in teeming warm rain. Main business of the day was having a big meeting to show concepts about female contraceptives to some Dutch clients. This time they appeared to like our work, as opposed to looking like they were eating cactus sandwiches which they did the last time... This took up the morning. After, one of the art directors showed me a drawing he'd done of me during the meeting, which of course looked like a huge lummox. Bah.

The afternoon was more leisurely, and I did little of note apart from talk to Olivia from Milan, whose English needs work, but is still streets ahead of my tatters of Italian. She has decided to go back to Italy so I am lunching with her tomorrow. She said she wanted to keep in touch by email when she goes back to Italy which I was rather flattered by.

Later, went to a talk in the agency about interactive television. Uncharacteristically I could not keep my eyes open. I was sitting in the front row and jerked awake violently at one point. Good job.

Got a note from Romy. I'd sent her some photos from my recent trip to visit her and my brother in Toronto. When we were out there we spent some time with Romy's aunt and uncle on their farm in Grey County. They live on a road called Deviation Road and surrounded by beautiful land. I took gaudy shots of the blue skies and yellow rape fields (canola they call it). Was disgusted when I slipped the film out from my camera at home to find it was black and white. But there were some good shots.

About to slide off to bed, after a sensible night in, listening to some jazz and enjoying a glass of sparkling water, compensating for the several impromptu beers with Matty boy and Paul Minett in the North Star last night. As he was showing me his agency in a rucksack again a woman who was sharing our table started chatting him up.
