Suffering from the effects of Kate's leaving do. A mob of us drank enthusiastically outside the Blue Anchor all night, and consequently I felt extremely shoddy by the time I reached work this morning. The effect was made worse I think by the fact that my tube home last night didn't stop at my station. I got off at the next one feeling decidedly irritable, and decided that it would be big and clever to run all the way back home. I simply do not run normally because I have dodgy knees, and a physique more sumoesque than fleet but managed to make it, wheezing horribly.

After feeling dreadful all morning, mobbed off with the gang for lunch today where, almost unbelievably, I drank two bloody marys which have made me feel temporarily better. Kate looking green at the gills but Andy and me presented her with her leaving gift in the Riverside Studios.

I will miss Kate enormously, but as we are friends in real life as well as at work it's not like we won't see one another.

Now I am looking forward to creeping off to Brighton tonight where I am catsitting Trotsky, and having an extremely quiet and restful evening. Trotsky has largely ingored me lately, but now she will have to buck her ideas up and be a bit friendlier or she'll have to live off sparrow takeaways.
