Vagabond Skies

Low energy still. This afternoon Mariscat put up The Sampler on their website.

But off this evening (after a judicious afternoon snooze) to Eastbourne, collected Pat and Maureen, and Delores and Lorraine drove us off to the theatre to see Vagabond Skies a musical about the life of Van Gogh. We met James and Julie there too. 

Lorraine and I had seen it as a kind of work in progress a few years ago, but now it was a full musical-length production. It really worked I think,  and the cast, directed by Sarah Dormandy did a great job. Richard Lock, playing Vincent, was excellent and the songs were strong. Obviously all our eyes on Beth, who played a prostitute, and in the second half had a solo as a Nun who was looking after Van Gogh. She did this really well. It is so great to see her on stage, doing what she loves so well.

Home, and dropped off Delores, who had already seen it earlier in the week. She loved it, and was very kind and friendly to Pat and Maureen. Pat and Maureen had enjoyed it too, but Pat a bit tired by it all by the time he got home.

Home in time for a bit of Match of the Day, before surging to bed.

Below: some publicity snaps,  Beth as a nun, and in the middles among the cast as a prostitute, and Van Gogh was played by Richard Lock. 


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