Tea and Time

A good morning's writing, despite the wifi being rather than looking up things quickly on the internet. 

I am reading an amazing book at the moment called The Order of Time, by a physicist called Carlo Rovelli. He writes beautifully, even poetically, and is unafraid to use metaphor to make developments in the understanding of time graspable. I am finding my mind blown by some of the concepts in there, that have been common knowledge in science circles, even though I have to read it chapter at a time. 

In the afternoon Lorraine having returned from rhyme time, and then eating pies with her mum and dad in the Church Lane tea room. We went next door to have a cup of tea and some nice chocolate and ginger biscuits with Jim and Joy, we sat in the garden and had a nice chat. We really like our neighbours, and Jim is an avid reader so I gave him copy of the Mariscat Sampler.   However after about an hour the area of concern  detected raindrops pinging off my scalp and we came home to fish the sheets off the line. 

Not long after getting home, I felt very sleepy and slept for an hour. A nice Polish woman called Sywia called came around who we are going to ask to clean our house for three hours a week. Win. 

In the evening I felt suddenly rough and very drained. To bed early. 
