Anton's birthday meal

Lorraine out helping Pat and Maureen for much of the day. I had a quiet day of writing and thinking, just want I wanted. This sort of thing exciting and interesting for me, it doesn't much make for blog fodder. I called Mum this morning, and the wifi went dead. No wifi this afternoon or evening. Luckily however we were going out this evening as it was Anton's birthday. I also belatedly sent Bob a card too, as it was his birthday too.

Chris came around to service the boiler too, had a long chat with him. I had to summon him back shortly afterwards as the carbon monoxide alarm went off above the boiler. But he checked all his workings, and sniffed about with his CO monitor and couldn't find anything, and it didn't go off again. 

I managed to lose my Berghaus recently, so we forged out into a fine soaking rain, just missed a bus by the station, and went to get a faster bus, of which there were none. Twenty minutes at the bus stop, so we were going to be late for the meal with Anton.  The bus broke down just by Brighton Aquarium, luckily not too far from where we were going. A nice meal, of steak based things in a restaurant called Kindling. Present were Anton, Anne, Klaudia, who I'd not seen for ages, and Oskar, with his girlfriend Niamh, Sam and Martin, and their son Charlie.

I had a beef burger, which was very nice. Others had steaks and brisket filled brioche, and Anna had arranged for a gooey chocolate cake from The Real Patisserie, which was fab. Had good chats with everyone, nice to see Klaudia who I'd not seen for some time. Hadn't seen Sam and Martin for ages, and their son Charlie, who I knew as a little kid is now a charming young economics student. Had a chat with Anne too. All good. Lorraine and I managed to get a bus home easily, and it sped back to Seaford without incident.

Below, Anton and Klaudia; Niamh and Oskar; Sam, Charlie and Martin; Anton and I, Anne and I, Lorraine and Klaudia.


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