Daylight robbery

Friday, and Sonia came here for the first time in Months this morning. She said she had been cleaning at other clients for weeks, and generally gave the impression that Coronavirus was not too much to worry about. Nice to see her and chat, but I, a-hem, kept my distance. 

Working still on the short story, which I am still polishing. Everything takes so long. In the afternoon another saunter, up the hill and then when Lorraine came home, she drove Beth off to the seafront at Hove where she was meeting some socially distanced pals, including Amy she is about to live with. We said hello, and then bumped into Lorraine's old choir pal Lesley, who was ambling along with a Brazilian pal. I remarked to Lorraine afterwards that it was nice of Lesley to show us her Brazilian. 

Home and Lorraine and I had a curry, and a chilled night in watching a cop show on TV.

So photos... Flowers in the hill fort. My black and white shot of the day, then a rejected black and white shot for the day, and a crime scene: as we were walking back to the car after a stroll on the seafront, we saw a seagull snatching a burger from a girl's hand as she walked along with her pals. They all screamed. I happened to have my camera on me and snapped the aftermath. You can see one of the gulls at the bottom with the stolen food in its appalling beak.
