Working holiday

A bank holiday today. Lorraine hard at work on things, and I treated the day as a working one this morning at least, starting work on a new work project of my own, which has the top secret code name 'waiting rooms' and is about waiting rooms. 

Got a text from Carl saying he was in hospital, and that he'd been overworking and was in hospital worried about his heart. I spoke to him later, and he seems to be okay but there was some abnormality showing up on the scan that they will have to look at. Typical Carl, he bemoaned the lack of humour of the staff. Once he'd been unhooked from the leads of the various monitors, he said 'I'm just like a real boy!' but the Pinocchio reference was lost. 

It's about waiting rooms. Heard from my lovely French clients who were happy with the cattle disease concepts from last week.

As Lorraine was hard at work, I took myself on a longish walk this afternoon too, which felt good. I picked an apple from a tree and ate it. I looked at how the cracked earth was almost patched up again now after the rain. Felt nice to be mooching about in the bits of woods around the edges of the golf course. 

A roast chicken and plenty of fortifying vegetables tonight.

Below, an email from Joan this morning, containing this image, and 'Never buy a collie when you're drunk.'
