Sunday Roast

Woke up in our own beds quite early as in Greece we were two hour ahead. Part of my brain and soul still floating above the fishes of the Ionian. Cats hanging round us lots, and Calliope unusually clingy on me even for her. It seems cats really do miss you.

Felt happy to be home. Dealing with mounds of holiday washing, and taking the opportunity to have a clear out of clothes. We found our tiny plum tree covered in delicious ripe plums. We drove off to Sainsbury's, to buy vegetables and fixings for dinner tonight. The cashier told us we were looking brown. Win.

I had a quick look at the brief for a job on cattle diseases I am starting tomorrow. Found Pat had left me a guide to the new football season. And on that note Chelsea beat Arsenal yesterday, and today, even more enjoyably Brighton beat Manchester United.

Had chats with Mum and Janet. Mum was fine. While Janet sounded much improved, having taken a positive decision to enjoy life. She is going to start a blog which I will help her get going on.  Lorraine catching up with Pat and Maureen. And in the evening Beth and John came around, and Lorraine cooked us a wonderful roast dinner, as requested by Beth, and plum crumble, which was amazing. Good to see them both, and have a gossip.
