A smidgeon of success

Valentine's Day. Got up and brought Lorraine a cup of tea and gave her a valentine's card and I got one a little later. Had breakfast together, Lorraine off to the Library to do Rhyme Time with lots of toddlers. 

I received an actual letter from a press that I had entered a competition with, asking if I was interested in appearing in a sampler with two other poets. A bit of a result, although I sense-checked it with Robin later in the day who helped me feel good about it. A curious thing whenever I get some success in poetry, I compare it with where I think I should be and feel a failure. Made a real effort to reframe this today, and not do this to myself. Instead I welcomed a small success as a small success.  

Then working in the guest room -- my temporary office -- for most of the day doing a job about cat diabetes for Val. Nice to send the work off and be told that it's wonderful and exactly what was wanted. My favourite client. 

More scuffling about in my study for a bit this evening. There is a sturdy cupboard in the corner of my study which takes up loads of room. I began dismantling this. There is a safe inside it however, and I had to take the safe off the wall which was not easy. Study now a bomb site, but this too shall pass. 

Otherwise we ate a delicious chicken and vegetable stew, and even had some wine. Watched The Hundred-Foot Journey, a movie about people starting an Indian restaurant in France, and the young Indian chef finding romance with a young French Chef.  Helen Mirren in it as a tough but tender Restaurant owner. A romcom basically but fun enough. 

Late this evening, Lorraine and I looked at tongue and groove panelling videos, as we want to make the wall behind my desk like this. A strange new world of building and fixing things videos.
