Sausages with Amanda

Cause for celebration today as Lorraine finished work. A day of zipping about doing various chores but little actual work. Lorraine and I went to HSBC today to sign our mortgage papers. There was lots of advice too and calculations of the amount of money they recommend we should save for a rainy day. When I commented that this was unbelievable, this led to a certain frosting of the atmosphere. Anyway we skipped out of there, and did some shopping for holiday clothes, including some shoes that allow you to walk across stones and straight into the water without yelping, a few shirts and some new shades. I really love shopping with Lorraine.

We went out again this evening to meet Amanda, who has been on a lengthy holiday in the UK and Europe. Amanda and I went to Copland High School together, although we barely spoke at school, in the intervening years we have become friends but as Amanda lives in lives in New Zealand this has all been via the internet. Amanda is a games inventor and has her own company, and we last met in 2010, in the Basketmakers with her husband John. Good to catch up in meatspace, this time in The Battle of Trafalgar, then we met Anton who came with us to The Shakespeare's Head to eat sausages and mash and generally shoot the breeze, and hear about the launch of Amanda's new game, Manifest, due out soon. In fact she had visited her Chinese manufacturers on the way to Europe. Having Chinese manufacturers seemed very cool to me. I want some.

It was great to chat and I felt sorry to see her go at the end of the night. Stupidly I took no photos.
