This morning I altered the look and feel of this blog. In so doing, I obliterated all the links and so on that Mrs Kenny had sorted out for me. It's strange with this online stuff. It's a time vampire. After about two hours Mrs Kenny, who was sitting next to me and is good at all this stuff, felt moved to violence as I stared blankly at the html, opened and closed all the wrong windows and so on.

Reflecting this morning how my job is occasionally fantastic. Yesterday I found myself working on a four page Marvel comics style strip cartoon with Pete Blake and then progressed to the pub at lunchtime and conducted an enjoyable interview for our internal rag with Matt and Paul who are spearheading cause related partnerships for our agency. It's a simple idea: you get a business and a charity to work together for mutual benefit and profit. Sometimes with all the stress and deadlines I lose sight of how lucky I am.

This morning I was sent from a bookshop in Berkeley CA the edition of Leopold Sedar Senghor's Selected Poems/Poesies Choisies. This is the version I've been looking for and it arrived in a matter of days. I am never going to lend my books to anyone again. I can't stand it. I lent this edition to someone ten years ago, and as it is completely out of print I've had to pay $60 to get a remaining copy shipped from the States. And I bet the swine never even read it.

Just about to get my hair cut as the Art Garfunkel thing is happening again.
