This and that
A this and that sort of day. Breakfast with Lorraine, who left to do Rhyme Time and then to see Pat and Maureen. I then had a conversation with window cleaners explaining they weren't going to clean the windows, due to road works outside. Recording with Robin this morning, I talked a little about Chat GPT and AI. Then I had a one step back to take two forwards junking everything I wrote yesterday.
In the afternoon waited for men to deliver a tumble drier. Cleared a route for them, and had them put it in the garage at the bottom of the garden. Very nice and helpful guys. Exciting to have a tumble drier for the winter months.
Then a longish walk, listening to a new audiobook: Otherlands by Thomas Halliday -- describing the flora and fauna of the planet going further and further back in time. I ending up at Pat and Maureen's place to collect Lorraine. Had a nice chat with Maureen and Pat. Home and I spoke to Mum, then cooked a chicken stew. L and I enjoyed The Traitors on TV. A bit more of the trippy and very weird Golem by Gustav Meyrink before bed.
The scene at the end of the beach. Still and a bit murky late afternoon. We have a new named storm coming soon with fierce winds and rain expected. But for now, things are calm.