Preferred pattern

Getting back to my preferred pattern. Up at eight and at my desk. It felt good and I began to make some small progress. Reading the first three sections of the Kenniad, and being fairly pleased with them after not having sat with them properly for a while. At around noon  Lorraine and I dismantled our plastic Christmas trees and decorations. After a bite to eat, I went for a walk by the sea, in a strong buffeting wind till I had walked my 10k paces.

Finished The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke. I found it confusing but occasionally the writing was exceptionally brilliant. I am making it my mission to finish all the books I have started in the last year or so but not completed. Read it sitting on the sofa with Lorraine, listening to relaxing music and while Lorraine was industrious or played her game. She spent much of the afternoon with Pat and Maureen.

I cooked a delicious chicken curry.

In other news Toby and Romy arrived back in a snowy Washington DC after a twenty hour journey, Bali, Jakarta, Tokyo and finally home. My friend Yvonne had her cataract operation.  I spoke to Mum too, who had been helped by Ben to sort out some bank stuff.

Snaps from my walk. The Newhaven lighthouse and the sea. The lighthouse felt like the objective of what I am trying to write, easier to see than get there.
