Tell the bees

A poor night's sleep. I have been waking up really early recently, and when the cats spot I'm awake they make sure they keep me that way. Made tea and woke Lorraine up -- and eventually we sprang out of bed at nine. As we were preparing breakfast a delivery woman arrived with a box of live bees. However it seems there is a Salisbury Road in Eastbourne too and she had to reluctantly -- as she seemed rather nervous of them -- take them away again.

I had a virtual coffee with Keith at ten. Freelance offers are few this month. He is a bit twitchy about it what  with inflation and the country going to the dogs and so on. Then I wrote the blurb for the podcast and a few last minute tweaks. Lorraine downstairs working on the sewing machine to help Beth with a job.

After this for the next two or three hours I wheelbarrowed most of the second tonne of earth from the drive round the side of the house to the second raised bed. A windy and overcast day, but I finished listening to The New Gurus. As I was nearing completion of this, and Lorraine was about to drive off to Brighton with the cloth, Pat and Maureen's neighbour texted Lorraine to say that they had gone off in an ambulance to the hospital. Lorraine decided to go to Ashford, via Brighton where she dropped off the stuff for Beth. At the William Harvey she found Pat and Maureen. Maureen had experienced an attack of what seems to have been angina, but she was okay to be released again. Lorraine pleased that she didn't wait but got help immediately. Lorraine spoke to me in the evening, as Pat and Maureen were watching the snooker downstairs.

In the evening I caught up with some correspondence -- thanking Richard for his beautiful book and delving into it -- also tweaking the podcast show notes as I had misspelled Clare's new publisher's name like a chump. I got sucked into watching a documentary about LPs before slinking off to bed.

