Enter the piano movers

Lorraine off to Ashford to see Pat and Maureen, and go with them to see Lorraine's Auntie Doris -- she didn't get home till late in the evening, in a car full of houseplants, my shoes, our duvet filling, and other bits that Maureen had been taking care of for us. The cats missed Lorraine which meant Calliope plaguing me at my desk. One of the boons of having Lorraine at home is the cats get distracted by her. 

Most of my day from 8:30 manacled to my desk, dreaming up concepts with Keith. A slightly surreal interlude with a piano carefully delivered by two taciturn Polish men at lunchtime. They were very efficient but despite that it reminded me of that Laurel and Hardy movie. The piano was Penny's but she didn't want it, and sold it to Lorraine at an attractive price. Later a lawn mower was also delivered. The outside world fairly uninviting with rain.

After work I met Robin online and we recorded some banter for the podcast, which I then immediately edited. Robin in good spirits having been away in Amsterdam for her birthday.

A delicious supper of a second helping of chicken curry that Lorraine had cooked the other day. Then Lorraine back home, and opting to leave everything in the car... Off to bed pretty tired.
