Leisurely day

A leisurely morning, or at least it would have been if not for Calliope waking me up by whiskering my feet. Up and made breakfast in bed. Did a few bits of work on the bovine poos work, and then we loaded up the car and zoomed off stopping off at Martlet's charity shop in Hove to drop some bits off, then off to Shoreham to Lidls for a bit of variety, and then to Sainsbury's. Dropped some stuff off at Beth and John's place, and picked up a chair they no longer need.

Then home for an interlude before bussing it back to Hove where Beth preparing home made coleslaw, and couscous and bits of chicken and halloumi. with the help of Lorraine. John and I sat about listening to more far out bits of King Crimson. Beth bouncing back after a disappointing week, with not getting a part she was really after. I felt for her. Rejection is so much part of an artist of any stripe's life.

A fun evening, and Rosie and Innis, just about to go off to Brazil next week, brought Pippi the dog round, who peed on the floor with excitement at seeing Beth. John and Beth are going to do lots of dog sitting when Rosie and Innis are away.  I drank beers. John and Beth on a bit of a health kick.

Lorraine and I went to the bus stop, but ended up grabbing a cab as it was cold and windy. Home and a bit of footy on the TV. All well.
