Spooner showed me a terrific website today called entrances2hell.co.uk. Liked the photos a lot. Spooner said he'd been seeing entrances to hell everywhere since looking at it.

They were a bit similar to my doors into nothing photos. I'm always interested in closed doors, or openings that appear to lead into nothing. It makes me think of Buddhist contradictions like the gateless gate. And that great story by HG Wells The Door in the Wall.

Otherwise I'm snatching a few moments in an unremarkable day, and trying not to fiddle with my new Sony Clie palm pilot. These were dished out at work yesterday. Ungratefully trying to discover why using something that takes you five times longer to write a sentence with than a pen or keyboard is somehow a good idea.

Having a rubbish writing day today, with my erections copy being flacid and ill-constructed.
