A tidy mind
Woke up feeling a little sadder and wiser thanks to the Slivovitz. Chatting to Ken before he made off to Pat and Maureen's place. If in doubt, tidy up. I proposed we heroically clean the fridges and Lorraine and I set about them, Lorraine then suggested the immense double cupboard, redistributing and sorting. I am a fan of Dilly Carter (a home-grown tidying up guru) so I find this increasingly therapeutic.
Beth came around for a chat after shopping, with a sudden gusto for a seafood dressing. Apparently the smell of roasting chicken makes her feel a bit weird now she is pregnant.
After these exertions, plus laundry and so on, we watched a little FA cup action. Lorraine cooked a gorgeous curry. I stepped outside and saw Venus, Jupiter and Mars, having nipped out earlier to catch the slither of the new moon lying on its back.
Both of us felt happy to be indoors. Ken returned from a day with Pat and Maureen, plus a session of playing Bingo downstairs with other denizens of Stratheden Court. Nice to sit and chat with him for a bit. Ken had to be up early tomorrow morning, to fly back to Ireland.
I needed no rocking to sleep tonight.