Moss green
Woke up in the Rhinefield House Hotel. Breakfast, with us trundling variously to the other side of the hotel. Incredibly polite and friendly staff. I was feeling a bit out of sorts first thing, with a slight temperature but perked up. After breakfast we went for a toddle around the grounds, letting ourselves in at the back through a side door at the back. Maureen enjoying this despite having to clamber up stairs and so on. Some beautiful rooms here.
We sat in the bar area drinking tea after this, and while the others read a bit or knitted, I managed to do some good work on Gordon Road. After a very light lunch, I went for a short walk into the forest. At one point a shaft of sunlight, it was mostly cloudy, fell on a mossy tree. It was the greenest thing in the forest and blazed out. It was as if I had watched the invention of green. I squelched across to the tree, but of course the light was never the same. Beautiful though.
In the afternoon Lorraine and Maureen attempted to have a trip to the jacuzzi but it was too difficult for Maureen to get into, further than her knees. I meanwhile sat with Patrick playing dominoes. Patrick, despite his dementia, won continuously.
Dinner in the bar again. I had a burger, which was fine, although I regretted it afterwards, especially as I followed it with a chocolate brownie. Pat and Maureen back to their room early, and Lorraine and I sat up chatting till we went to our rooms.
