Outside world

Mercifully had a day off, was brain dead and needed to recover. Actually went into the outside world today. To Lewes garden centre, and looked at plants and bought some, and bags of soil which I carried. Then in the afternoon Lorraine dropped some things off for Steve as he is unwell. Then we drove off to the vet with Calliope. We had been given a tranquilliser to give her, but she still yowled (albeit more quietly) all the way there. Good as gold in the vets, and had her blood test (at the fourth attempt poor thing). 

Work emails during the day, and then a request to start another job when this one is done next week. I declined. 

Home and I had overdone it. The weird veil between myself and reality, that I have had for the last week and a half had returned in forced. I needed a sleep. A bit perkier this evening however.
