Saharan day

A bubble of Saharan heat that had lain over Europe causing the hottest recorded temperatures in France drifted across the channel today, losing some of its ferocity, but still pushing temperatures into the mid 30s. Lorraine and I sensibly decided it was not a day for excessive exertions, so we went shopping and then found shade in our garden. Good to see Lorraine relaxing on her lounger reading and listened to meditation tapes.

In the evening we drove to Hove, to pick up some dieting paraphernalia from Betty, and then onto Steyning to see Dawn. A gorgeous summer evening there, we had salads and seabass and I drank gin and tonic made from Dawn's pomegranate and rosewater gin. Lovely. Realised I was feeling a bit braindead and lethargic, and think I may have been overdoing the diet having lost over 4 kilos this week.

Then, as cooler breezes sprang up, we had a walk in the woods on the side of the hill behind her house. A lovely walk in the woods, magical despite lots of trees felled due to ash dieback. Beautiful views, and a lovely dusk with pink and purple skies, and rabbits hopping about on the paths.

Back to sit in Dawn's garden for a cup of tea before heading home, the night much fresher than the day. I love visiting Dawn's little house.

Below a selfie of me keeping cool in the garden, the sky in black and white, the English idyll of a village cricket match, Dawn's back gate, snaps from the hill.
