The Tobster arrives

Friday, thank goodness. Feeling exceedingly cheerful this morning, as I was reading back over my book and daring to believe it is rather good. Even better I have agreed a price on my house with the nice people who are renting it and, barring any slips twixt cup and lip, will sell.

Work fine, although enthusiasm was hard to locate as I brooded on mucus and coughs. A healthy salad based lunch, then home early as the permanent people were off to their summer party. Listening to Brighton Rock by Graham Greene on my iPhone in the cramped, crowded and hot train.

Fab to be home, and found Toby had arrived shortly before me and was talking to Lorraine. Really good to have him here, and after a lovely healthy salmon and roast vegetable supper we crept out to Circus Circus for some cold lagers, and a massive catch up. Toby is steadily talking about Japan at Christmas. He also brought some absolutely delicious Turkish delight from Turkey where he and Romy had been on holiday, which L and I gorged on like Edmund in Narnia.

A nice end to a slightly tiring week.
