Stuff and Stanzas

In practical mode organising a drains person to do some drain work, admin, returned spare keys to the Twitten, and dragged things around the house in a futile attempt to sort through the detritus from my loft, and the entire van load of stuff that we brought back from Kent.

To the gym at lunchtime. The psychological and health bonus from being released from the stress of selling my house is vast. I felt springy and unburdened. A fast shop in Sainsbury's after work, home to eat fish and veggies, before Lorraine went off to sing, and I went to The Lord Nelson where the Brighton Stanza Poets Anthology 2013 was launched. Packed room, and ten readers. Chatted briefly with Antony and Robin Houghton, and Andie Davidson who had produced the book. Plus two pleasant women I think were called Angie and Gay who were fans of a performance poet called Sue, with a man who had just got married to a Cuban. I lost no time in telling them I had just got married too.
I made off as the evening was over quickly, and I felt cramped in the crowded room. To a half empty Basketmakers where I had a slow pint and read the Stanza Anthology, finding a surprisingly high standard of work. It also has three of my poems in it -- and this little gem:


Take this glass.   Place it between
your words and mine, and those you hear me say.
See how reflection and refraction change
their meaning.
                                       I did not begin the day
with the intention it should end this way.

Robin Renwick

Lorraine came in after her choir practice and after she quaffed a pint of stout to soothe the singing throat, we walked home along London Road, in its subdued Monday night mode.

And so to bed.
