Adding fizz

Lorraine off work, so a relaxing Monday at home fired by an unshakable desire to emulate the willowy Sue and John. So porridge breakfast, a lovely carrot and coriander soup that Beth made and then burnt herself badly on pouring it out, followed by chicken and couscous with roasted veggies for supper. Lovely, and slimming too. Beth eating with her arm in a bowl of cold water till calm reigned again.

I suggested we buy a soda fountain an idea which went down well with Lorraine and Beth who sourced a red one on their iPads. This will greatly diminish our output of empty plastic bottles for recycling. This is mostly my fault as water don't mean a thing if it ain't got that fizzy zing.  We drove off to buy it from Argos, and toilet seats around the corner from the Old Church Hall, and Betty bought turquoise nikes.

Lorraine potted up new seedlings, I replaced a toilet seat, and apart from that now't much to report.
Betty tweeted a photo of Lorraine and I waiting for our sodastream in Argos with the text: feeling uneasy in Argos. #Argos #middleclassproblems #whatsthatsmell
