
A sleepless night. I eventually gave up at 4am got up and started reading Let the right one in, a horror story. Took Lorraine tea and made her breakfast seeing as I was up and dressed. A brain befuddling fug of tiredness all day. Tried to fall asleep again at eight, but then Lorraine called from school saying she had left her phone, and I gave up then. Unfortunately I had to do work for my French pals today on swine flu. Feeling a bit anxious about this afterwards, as no sleep seems to deprive me of twenty IQ points. I had a nice chat with Val though.

Anton phoned me about going to a business event run by an old work mucker Terry Brissenden on Storytelling in Business next month.

Today Theresa May's Brexit dead duck deal was crushed in Parliament -- apparently the biggest ever government defeat. I cannot see any outcome from here that will not harm the UK. A second referendum, as finally the UK has a better idea of what it is voting for, may be a good idea. But what happens if it is 52/58 again, as seems likely. Meanwhile neglect of proper governance of the UK is everywhere evident. If half as much energy went into protecting the environment, for example, as went into Brexit, arguing about the wall in Mexico, building Chinese airstrips on atolls in the South China sea etc. what an amazing thing that would be.

I cooked a fish curry in coconut milk and stuff, to a recipe, which Lorraine deemed successful, then went to bed wan and exhausted before ten.
