Inches of progress

For the first time this year I managed to complete my normal daily target of 10k paces. Off this morning to meet Innis in the Costa Cafe at the top of Preston Street, the one where I meet my stained glass buddies. Nice to see Innis, and we discussed a collaboration around the Waiting project, and I showed Innis the powerpoint presentation, which I have been adding to, and we chatted about the sorts of ways that we can visually interpret that.

I walked home through Seven Dials, and Preston Park. A snack for lunch, watching an Irish comedy set in Cork called The Young Offenders, which I really like. Then I did a smidge more on the poos and kidneys work for my Chiswick pals. Then another short walk around the block a couple of times, listening to another Robert Aickman story, The Next Glade to get me up to 10k. Felt tired at the end of it, but am definitely improving. That was a particularly draining cold.

Cooked a curry, with some parsnip in whose sweetness works surprisingly well with the curry flavours, particularly the fresh ginger. Tom staying to night, so a chat with him about drinking in mini golf clubs and drones among other things. To bed.

A sense of having made a few inches of what hopefully will build into some forward momentum.
