Clicking into place
An incredibly poor night's sleep. Something wrong with my back which caused a ring of pain around my chest and referred pain down my left arm. L and I had to conduct a triage in the middle of the night to make sure it wasn't actually a heart attack. She loves living with a hypochondriac. Woke up in the morning having had a ragged sleep, and getting out of bed my back clicked and the problem was miraculously better. Worked steadily on the book all day, and then in the afternoon took myself for a brisk walk in the park for an hour or so. With the back business, I did not go to the gym today, but have downloaded a step counting app a few days ago so I can ensure I walk at least 10,000 steps every day as a minimum. Lorraine singing in the choir tonight. In the evening called on Anton and we walked about town and had a couple of drinks and mulled over the world. He'd had a difficult weekend with the bairns, including the delights of Klaudia getting a nasty spewing bug, while...