Tea and cakes in Seaford

Gradually getting ourselves together. Laundry to be done among other things. Bought myself a rail pass, and tried to download it into an app, which would not work and after struggling and re-downloading, I ended up phoning the helpline and they said it was a problem with the app itself and try again in a day or two. Gah. Plus they have siphoned off what I have paid quite happily.

The afternoon off to Seaford, to meet Richard and Angie again, who took us around what will hopefully be our house in the not too distant future. Richard was showing us how everything worked in some detail, and also filling in a form about what he wanted to leave or take. 

Lovely to look around the place again but I have become such a pessimist that I am trying to keep a tight lid on my enthusiasm till we know we are over the line, whereupon I shall caper like a spring lamb. We arrived at 2pm and left at a quarter to seven, having been given bread and cheese and tea and cake. They are incredibly hospitable people. Richard told me that he had been a professional wrestler at some point, and his bad back problems stem from a piledriver move which went wrong. He laughed it off at the time. But the back eventually went some years later, and x-rays showed the old damage. Angie in her early seventies and with two new hips remains a keen dancer.

Then Lorraine and I then we went to the local Morrisons supermarket, where the guy working behind a till was a Seaford Ambassador asking Lorraine for her ID as we had bought a bottle of wine, and saying he didn't recognise us, and then when we explained what we were doing there extolled the virtues of Seaford. He was a Londoner who had fallen in love with the place several years ago apparently. 

Lorraine drove us home and we sprawled restfully on the sofa not wanting to talk much. Watched a bit of the televised Jubilee Party outside Buck House. Sam watched some of it with us. Mostly indifferent songs and acts, but undeniably a spectacle.
