
A distinct Friday feeling. Woke up at 5am, and stayed awake. Did business admin, sent off three invoices to coax some doubloons from the ether. Had to upload passport photographs etc. to accept the job starting next week -- and had to call Keith who was driving off to do some camping. 

Angie and Richard in Seaford called in a rather a worried state. The man next door to them is going to convert his loft, and they had got it into their heads that we would now not want to buy their house. They wanted to tell me themselves because they consider us friends now. Once I reassured them that this wouldn't change anything, they also said that the were going to shortly be able to move themselves, so the Seaford end of move is looking fine. Fingers still rigidly crossed for everything else.

Had a nice chat with Mum while strolling across Preston Park and down London Road to the gym. She was going for a scan at Edgware General, and then was going to The Waggon and Horses afterwards. It was her and Mason's wedding anniversary today. They have been married for about 36 years now. Arranged to go up to Edgware the week after next, once my job is finished.

Fourth gym trip of the week. Discussing this with Anton. Going regularly without overdoing it is the answer I think. 

Once Lorraine home, tired at the end of the week, we got ourselves ready and headed off to Cuckfield for dinner at Jess and Andrew's house. Lovely food and we drank quite a bit of wine, all except for Lorraine who was of course driving. Both looking very well, and evidence of assorted grandchildren here and there. I had a good time, despite feeling a bit low on energy.

Lorraine now has 19  days with children in the school left. She will have quite a bit to do afterwards. 
