Bubbly and little peas

Up fairly early this morning and we zoomed off to Tanya and Catherine's house for a few glasses of bubbly with them and Tim and Guy to celebrate Tanya's recent birthday. Excellent to see everyone and have a gossip. Comparing notes with Catherine and Tanya about their house move. They are staying in Brighton, and moving a few streets higher up muesli mountain than they are now. 

Tim and Guy on entertaining form as usual, Guy is such a natural storyteller. We sauntered down into the old lanes to Petit Pois for Sunday lunch. Excellent, decently priced food there. We had booked thankfully. I had roast lamb for the first time in years and talked lots to Catherine and talked about visual art with Tanya, and we plotted to go to a gallery together at some point. Then we walked off to eat ice cream outside Brass Monkey. Fond farewells with everyone, and Lorraine and I bussed home. Sprawled happily, and very tiredly, on the gold sofa from tea time. Star Trek The Next Generation our current binge including an episode with racist stereotypes of Irish people in space, which Lorraine and I agreed was diabolically bad. 

An early night, as it is back to work for Lorraine tomorrow and I have the threads of a job to pick up too.
