Sarah's not-a-launch launch party

So back to my desk, while Lorraine worked downstairs with Emma the head who will be replacing her at her school, and the two Sarahs. I had a quick meeting with Keith and then got on with finishing the work I was doing for Pat, Michel and Perky. Had a meeting with them virtually and was done by one, thankfully as I felt a bit wan and tired. Lorraine was finding work hard today. Just a few more weeks for her to go -- but getting to the end of the year, even in the best of years, is always tough.

I had a spot of lunch with the teachers, and then did admin and other stuff.  

In the evening sauntered down to London Road station and from there to Lewes, where SJB was having a launch party for her fabulous book The Thoughts. With typical generosity she invited some friends to read poems too: Stephen, Charlotte, Jeremy, Robin and me -- as well as Louise who read excellently and also hosted. I really enjoyed the event -- Sarah's book is wonderful and she read with great humour and emotion. The other readers were all on excellent form too. Such an enjoyable evening among friends. I had read none of my poems before and at one point and I was getting goosebumps from the energy of the attentive audience. I had forgotten how it felt when it is going quite well. Lots of marvellous poetry folks there and I sat next to Janet Sutherland.  

Afterwards we sat chatting outside under blankets and drinking beer. I was the last to go with Sarah and Lou. The odd bat flying overhead. I trained home, just missing one, so I left the platform and had another drink in the pub by the station for twenty minutes, reading about Boris losing lots of support of his tory MPs in the confidence vote.  

Below Sarah, and me and Sarah.

