Glastonbury from the sofa

A quiet unhurried morning. Getting up and pottering about a bit. Lorraine had school reports to work on this afternoon, and so I walked down to the Batty to sit in the sun garden with Anton. He had been for a long walk this morning. A few cold lagers in the hot sun there, chatting about all manner of stuff. He is heading off to Spain to do some walking soon, so a cheeky beer beforehand was needed.  

Fond farewells with Anton, and I sauntered back home through Preston Park. 

Lorraine still working when I got back, and so I made salad and potatoes, and ate it with the chicken Lorraine had already put in the oven. She made a melitzanosalata aubergine dip too once she had finished, and it was lovely.

A bit more Glastonbury (or Glastonberry as all kinds of people were calling it) from the gold sofa. Watched Kendrik Lamar perform. I enjoyed the theatre. His crowd lapped it up. Also enjoyed Years and Years lots. Very Brighton.  Saw a bit of Jack Black playing too whose work beyond White Stripes I know nothing of. But he and his band were great. Saw bits of Diana Ross, horridly out of tune on occasion but nevertheless a feel good diva that the crowd were obviously having a brilliant time.

Below the view from the bench in the Battle of Trafalgar's garden struck me as oddly lovely.
