
So managed to get the podcast out on time today. Robin cut more out of the Gregory interview which really helped focus it, and then we recorded assorted banter and I edited this and built the episode, sending it off to Robin who cut a few seconds out where, she said, she 'sounded a bit numpty'. Then I wrote the blurb and uploaded. Made off to the gym. A bit of social media promotion and I was done. Felt like plenty for one day. Emailed Gregory to thank him.

Sent off boiler servicing stuff to the solicitor. Then made a complex salad of my own invention with  boiled potatoes and sausages. Also received an offer of work for exactly the same days as my booking on Monday. Drank beer and watched Star Trek next generation, after Lorraine had watched Sewing Bee, Darning Wasp thing. 

Lorraine had a difficult day. But Summer freedom is coming...
