Squandered day

Decided to chance my arm with the barbers at Clippers. They open very early and I zoomed down, but when I got there I was told I'd have to make an appointment, which I did for Friday. I learned three out of five of the originals have left in lockdown. The two founders retired, and the younger one has set up on his own. So there were two guys there I knew, and a woman, which was a tad revolutionary for Clippers. From there to Sainsbury's and then home.

Felt lethargic, uninspired and dull. My ears were hurting a bit too. Had a short snooze this afternoon and utterly squandered the day despite sitting at my computer trying to be productive for hours. No feedback from mes amis in Paris either. There are things I should be doing, but I was too apathetic.

Pleased when Lorraine was home, as at least I could make some dinner and feel a bit purposeful.  Started reading a little about the ancient Egyptians in bed. Read the opening of a chapter to Mrs Kenny which sent her off to sleep a treat.
